Greenridge is a JV opportunity
Greenridge Terrace Development
Eight Estate Lot Analysis
Total After Entitlements 8 Lots 36 Acres
Cost of Property $5,200,000.00
Cost of Development $2,600,000.00
Total Cost Lots only $7,800,000.00
Retail Selling Lots only $20,000,000.00
Gross Profit Lots Only $12,200,000.00
Cost of Property & Entitlements $7,800,000.00
8 Spec Houses Construction Cost $24,000,000.00
Total Cost with Houses $31,800,000.00
Retail Sale of 8 spec homes @ $7M ea. $ 56,000,000
Gross Projected Profit if build out all 8 spec houses $ 24,200,000.00